04 June 2009

Eleanor Rigby

Today Eleanor snuck into the garage when I had gone out there to get some stuff (something she does often; she is a sneaky bugger). When I let her back in a while later, she ran in with a home depot bag stuck around her belly. I'm guessing she must have wrestled with the bag. I think the bag won.

01 June 2009

new times three

new couch

new credenza

new accessories

all equals a new and improved loft!

We painted and rearranged things to make room for the new furniture & I love the outcome. We got the credenza at Salvation Army for $37 and the couch from CraigsList for $80. The picture frames are from DI, $1 each. The lamp was on sale at Target for $5 and the shade is from Goodwill for $2.99. Being thrifty looks good, huh?

07 May 2009

i love worms

Tyler & I have finally been released from our prison sentence, I mean calling, in the nursery. Apparently we haven't learned our lesson because we are now Cub Scout leaders; specifically the Wolf Den. Duhn! Duhn! Duhn!

All kidding aside, I think it will be fun. This past Tuesday was our first official 'den meeting' & of course only two boys should up, one of which was 20 minutes late. Awesome.

The theme for this month is 'Leave Nothing but Footprints Behind'. Even the church is 'going green'. Anyway, since dad BAILED on me (just kidding Dad!), Tyler came up with the brilliant idea of ripping off Erin (thanks Erin!). We made a worm compost with the boys (at least with the 2 that showed up) and then in a couple of weeks we'll do a den meeting at our house to use the worm compost in our garden (which also adds an item on our to do list: build a garden). Anyway, it was a lot of fun with the boys and they loved seeing the worms. We then had dessert of oreos, pudding, and gummy worms. Clever, I know!